Profile picture of Joanna Doroszczyk

Joanna Doroszczyk

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À propos

I work with adults from the age of 18. I offer psychological consultations and individual therapy. I offer consultations in both Polish and English. I invite people who experience for the following: -depression -mood dis

Localisation et contact

map showing the location of the site

Langues parlées

Anglais (English)
Polonais (Polski)

Moyens de paiement

Paiement mobile (QR code)

Diplômes et formations

  • I am a psychologist and therapist in the field of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. I graduated in psychology, specialising in clinical psychology and psychotherapy, at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw.



Numéro INAMI


Foire aux questions
Où travaille Joanna Doroszczyk ?
Joanna Doroszczyk exerce à : PsyCol Schuman (Rue Jacques de Lalaing 49, 1000 Bruxelles).
Dans quel cabinet travaille Joanna Doroszczyk ?
Joanna Doroszczyk exerce dans le cabinet suivant : PsyCol