53 results

Other occupational therapists nearby Strombeek-Bever
Profile picture of jente-strauven
Jente Strauven
Occupational therapist
59.6km • Reyerstraat 46, 3540 Schulen
Occupational therapist
60.7km • Rue de Gozée 706, 6110 Montigny-le-Tilleul
Fully contracted
Occupational therapist
60.7km • Rue de Gozée 706, 6110 Montigny-le-Tilleul
Fully contracted
Profile picture of tatiana-de-la-croix
Occupational therapist
61.7km • du Long-Sart 102, 5021 Boninne
Profile picture of flavie-decock
Flavie Decock
Occupational therapist
62.9km • Rue des haies 52, 6120 Nalinnes
Profile picture of celie-cambier
Célie Cambier
Occupational therapist
63.4km • Chaussée de Liège 1002, 5101 Lives-sur-Meuse
Partially contracted
Profile picture of vanessa-jani
Vanessa Jani - specialisatie ASS
Occupational therapist
64.0km • Keizerstraat 16, 8790 Waregem
Profile picture of lien-vandoorne
Lien Vandoorne
Occupational therapist
64.0km • Keizerstraat 16, 8790 Waregem
Profile picture of alaiane-rocha-gomes
Alaiane Rocha Gomes
Occupational therapist
65.2km • Rue du maieur Renard 5, 7040 Genly
Profile picture of lien-vandoorne
Lien Vandoorne
Occupational therapist
65.4km • Kerkstraat 1, 8580 Avelgem
Profile picture of bram-devroo
Occupational therapist
71.2km • Zangstraat 63, 3830 Wellen
Fully contracted
Profile picture of bram-devroo
Occupational therapist
71.2km • Zangstraat 63, 3830 Wellen
Fully contracted
Profile picture of isabel-masschaele
Isabel Masschaele
Occupational therapist
89.3km • Breekiezel 141, 3670 Gruitrode
Partially contracted
Frequently asked questions
Where can I find the best occupational therapist in Strombeek-Bever ?
Rosa lists the best occupational therapists in your area. Find a top rated occupational therapist online, book an appointment nearby for a chat, consultation or treatment.
How to find an emergency occupational therapist?
On Rosa you can find occupational therapists that are bookable online and accept new patients. If you need medical help at night, on weekends or on public holidays, call 1733. In case of emergency, call 112 free of charge.
What is the price of a recognized occupational therapist?
Rosa shows which occupational therapists have coverage by the RIZIV or mutual insurances, reducing fees. This allows you to assess prices, potential reimbursement, and find affordable occupational therapist options.
What are the nearby hospitals to Strombeek-Bever?
The 6 closest hospitals to Strombeek-Bever are: Psychiatrische Ziekenhuis Sint-Alexius (1.4km), Chu/Uvc- Brugmann (Reine Astrid/Koningin Astrid, 2.6km), Hopital Universitaire Des Enfants Reine Fabiola (huderf) (2.8km), Chu/Uvc- Brugmann (Victor Horta, 2.9km), Hopital Erasme (ulb) (Ctr, 2.9km), Kliniek Sint-Jan - Clinique Saint-Jean (Leopold I, 3.8km).
Strombeek-Bever (1853)