Profile picture of Vicky Bessemans

Vicky Bessemans

Clinical psychologist
Fully contracted
Next availability on Wed, Aug 14, 2024

Existing patients only

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Ik ben Vicky Bessemans, klinisch orthopedagoge en tolk Vlaamse gebarentaal. Ik bied begeleidingen aan voor kinderen, jongeren en hun ouders rond mentaal welzijn, veerkracht, sociale vaardigheden, faalangst, ontwikkelings

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Spoken Languages

Dutch (Nederlands)
English (English)

Contracted status

Fully contracted


Mobile payment (QR code)

Education and training

  • master in science in de orthopedagogische wetenschappen aan de KULueven
  • HBO5 opleiding Tolk Vlaamse gebarentaal te Mechelen

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Vicky Bessemans accept new patients?
Vicky Bessemans does not accept new patients.
Where does Vicky Bessemans work?
Vicky Bessemans works at: PedagoViek (Gippershovenstraat 39, 3800 Zepperen).
Is Vicky Bessemans contracted?
Yes, Vicky Bessemans is fully contracted.