Profile picture of Valentine Catteeuw

Valentine Catteeuw

Speech therapist
Fully contracted
Next availability on Thu, Dec 19, 2024

Accepting new patients

Make an appointment

Logopède indépendante pour enfants et adolescents à Schaerbeek

* Bilan de langage oral
* Bilan de langage écrit
* Retard de langage
* Trouble développemental du langage oral
* Dyslexie
* Dysorthographie

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Centre pluridisciplinaire Logosphère

Spoken languages

French (Français)

Contracted status

Fully contracted


Mobile payment (QR code)

Education and training

  • Bachelier en Logopédie, Institut Libre Marie-Haps, Bruxelles

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Valentine Catteeuw accept new patients?
Yes, Valentine Catteeuw accepts new patients.
Where does Valentine Catteeuw work?
Valentine Catteeuw works at: Centre pluridisciplinaire Logosphère (Rue du Noyer 42D, 1030 Schaarbeek).
Is Valentine Catteeuw contracted?
Yes, Valentine Catteeuw is fully contracted.