Profile picture of Omar El-Mourad

Omar El-Mourad

General practitioner
Fully contracted
Next availability on Tue, Nov 5, 2024

Accepting new patients

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Médecin généraliste conventionné

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Centre Médical Prince de Liège

  • Today (10:00 - 13:00)
  • Spoken Languages

    Arabic (العربية)
    English (English)
    French (Français)

    Contracted status

    Fully contracted



    Education and training

    • Diplôme en Médecine Générale, UCLouvain


    Médecin Généraliste

    NIHII number



    Frequently asked questions
    Does Omar El-Mourad accept new patients?
    Yes, Omar El-Mourad accepts new patients.
    Where does Omar El-Mourad work?
    Omar El-Mourad works at: Centre Médical Prince de Liège (Rue du Potaerdenberg 21-23, 1070 Anderlecht).
    Does Omar El-Mourad work in a practice?
    Omar El-Mourad works at the following practice(s): Centre Médical Prince de Liège
    Is Omar El-Mourad contracted?
    Yes, Omar El-Mourad is fully contracted.