Profile picture of Megan Kool

Megan Kool

Speech therapist
Fully contracted
Next availability on Thu, Aug 1, 2024

Existing patients only

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Location and contact

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Logopedie Megan (Groepspraktijk Logopedie Lizzy & Co)

Contracted status

Fully contracted


Mobile payment (QR code)

Education and training

  • Bachelor Logopedie, Thomas More, 2018-2021
  • Banaba ASS, AP Hogeschool, 2021-2023
  • Basiscursus OMFT, KWeC, 2022
  • SMOG cursus voor ouders, 2023
  • Praktische cursus Technisch lezen, KWeC, 2024


Taal- en Articulatieproblemen
Leerproblemen: lezen, spellen, rekenen
Oromyofunctionele therapie

NIHII number


Frequently asked questions
Does Megan Kool accept new patients?
Megan Kool does not accept new patients.
Where does Megan Kool work?
Megan Kool works at: Logopedie Megan (Groepspraktijk Logopedie Lizzy & Co) (Mortelveldstraat 18A, 3650 Elen).
Is Megan Kool contracted?
Yes, Megan Kool is fully contracted.