Profile picture of Matthias Van Parijs

Matthias Van Parijs

Next availability on Mon, Jan 6, 2025

Accepting new patients

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Groepspraktijk Facet

  • Today (09:00 - 20:00)
  • Non-contracted

    Cash, Mobile payment (QR code)


    These fees are provided as an indication by the practitioner and may vary.

    Spoken languages

    Dutch (Nederlands)
    English (English)
    French (Français)

    Education and training

    • Bachelor in de kinesitherapie - Uhasselt
    • Master in de kinesitherapie (manuele therapie) - Uhasselt
    • Postgraduaat in de manuele therapie - Ugent
    • Dry needling - Smarteducation


    Algemene kinesitherapie
    Dry needling
    Manuele therapie

    NIHII number



    Frequently asked questions
    Does Matthias Van Parijs accept new patients?
    Yes, Matthias Van Parijs accepts new patients.
    Where does Matthias Van Parijs work?
    Matthias Van Parijs works at: Groepspraktijk Facet (Stationstraat 24, 3070 Kortenberg).
    Does Matthias Van Parijs work in a practice?
    Matthias Van Parijs works at the following practice(s): Groepspraktijk Facet
    Is Matthias Van Parijs contracted?
    Matthias Van Parijs is not contracted.