Profile picture of Lore Claeys

Lore Claeys

Clinical psychologist
Fully contracted
Next availability on Wed, Jul 31, 2024

Accepting new patients

Make an appointment

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Spoken Languages

Dutch (Nederlands)

Contracted status

Fully contracted


Mobile payment (QR code)

Education and training

  • Master in de Klinische psychologie, UGent

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Lore Claeys accept new patients?
Yes, Lore Claeys accepts new patients.
Where does Lore Claeys work?
Lore Claeys works at: Huis van het Kind (Spreekkamer 1) (Zeelaan 42-48, 8670 Koksijde).
Is Lore Claeys contracted?
Yes, Lore Claeys is fully contracted.