Profile picture of Lenka Bogaerts

Lenka Bogaerts

Speech therapist
Fully contracted
Next availability on Tue, Aug 6, 2024

Accepting new patients

Make an appointment

Location and contact

Spoken Languages

Dutch (Nederlands)

Contracted status

Fully contracted

Education and training

  • Arteveldehogeschool, 2018-2021

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Lenka Bogaerts accept new patients?
Yes, Lenka Bogaerts accepts new patients.
Where does Lenka Bogaerts work?
Lenka Bogaerts works at: Paramedisch Centrum De Vlinder (LeopoldIIstraat 1, 3800 Sint-Truiden).
Is Lenka Bogaerts contracted?
Yes, Lenka Bogaerts is fully contracted.