Profile picture of Laura Wante

Laura Wante

Clinical psychologist
Partially contracted
No online availabilities
Make an appointment


Dr. Laura Wante werkt als klinisch psycholoog binnen het universitair behandelcentrum Kind & Adolescent.

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Behandelcentrum Kind en Adolescent (5e verdieping, Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen)

Spoken Languages

Dutch (Nederlands)

Contracted status

Partially contracted


Mobile payment (QR code)

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Where does Laura Wante work?
Laura Wante works at: Behandelcentrum Kind en Adolescent (5e verdieping, Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen) (Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Ghent).
Is Laura Wante contracted?
Laura Wante is partially contracted.