Profile picture of Harriet Bowker

Harriet Bowker

Speech therapist
Next availability on Fri, Aug 2, 2024

Existing patients only

Make an appointment


Waterloo : lundis et vendredis
Bruxelles : mardis, mercredis et jeudis

Waterloo: Mondays and Fridays
Brussels: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays


J’accompagne les enfants des tout-petits aux ados dans leur développement langagier tant à l’oral (retard de parole, retard de langage, dysphasie, trouble articulatoire) qu’à l’écrit (dyslexie, dysorthographie). Je m'occ

Location and contact

Spoken Languages

English (English)
French (Français)

Contracted status



Mobile payment (QR code)

Education and training

  • Bachelier en Logopédie, Institut Libre Marie Haps

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Harriet Bowker accept new patients?
Harriet Bowker does not accept new patients.
Where does Harriet Bowker work?
Harriet Bowker works at: La Lanterne Waterloo (Rue Bruyère Saint Jean 8, 1410 Waterloo); Cabinet de Logopédie - Harriet Bowker (Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 51, 1050 Ixelles).
Does Harriet Bowker work in a practice?
Harriet Bowker works at the following practice(s): La Lanterne - Centres Pluridisciplinaires - Périnatalité et Pédiatrie
Is Harriet Bowker contracted?
Harriet Bowker is not contracted.