Céline Dehalleux

ENT specialist
Next availability on Tue, Jan 7, 2025

Accepting new patients

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ORL générale adulte et pédiatrique

Pathologie audio-vestibulaire
Pathologie rhino-sinusienne

Location and contact

NIHII number


Frequently asked questions
Does Céline Dehalleux accept new patients?
Yes, Céline Dehalleux accepts new patients.
Where does Céline Dehalleux work?
Céline Dehalleux works at: Centre médical La Ridale (Rue Du Chainia 96, 5081 Meux); Malonne (Pays de Liège 7, 5020 Malonne).
Does Céline Dehalleux work in a practice?
Céline Dehalleux works at the following practice(s): Centre De La Ridale