Profile picture of Bianca Le Cluyse

Bianca Le Cluyse

Clinical psychologist
Partially contracted
No online availabilities
Make an appointment

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Spoken Languages

Dutch (Nederlands)
English (English)

Contracted status

Partially contracted


Mobile payment (QR code)

Education and training

  • Professionele Bachelor in Sociaal Werk - Personeelswerk, Ehsal/HUB, 2011
  • Academische Bachelor in de Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie, VUB, 2014
  • Academische Bachelor in de Klinische Psychologie (Volwassenen -en Levenslooppsychologie), VUB, 2017
  • Master in de Klinische Psychologie (Volwassenen -en Levenslooppsychologie), VUB, 2020
  • Permanente vorming Eerstelijnspsychologische zorg, ELP Academie, 2023-2025


Eerstelijnspsychologische zorg (Milde tot matige klachten)

NIHII number


Frequently asked questions
Where does Bianca Le Cluyse work?
Bianca Le Cluyse works at: 't PEC (Agnetenhof 6, 3800 Sint-Truiden).
Does Bianca Le Cluyse work in a practice?
Bianca Le Cluyse works at the following practice(s): 't PEC
Is Bianca Le Cluyse contracted?
Bianca Le Cluyse is partially contracted.