Profile picture of An Van Brusselen

An Van Brusselen

Speech therapist
Fully contracted
Next availability on Wed, Jul 31, 2024

Accepting new patients

Make an appointment


Welkom in mijn logopedische praktijk waar je als patiënt centraal staat.

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Spoken Languages

Dutch (Nederlands)

Contracted status

Fully contracted

Education and training

  • KU Leuven, master in de logopedische en audiologische wetenschappen, afgestudeerd in 2009



NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does An Van Brusselen accept new patients?
Yes, An Van Brusselen accepts new patients.
Where does An Van Brusselen work?
An Van Brusselen works at: Het leerveld (Veldstraat 23B, 3130 Begijnendijk).
Is An Van Brusselen contracted?
Yes, An Van Brusselen is fully contracted.