Profile picture of Sinem Ozkul

Sinem Ozkul

General practitioner
Next availability on Thu, May 23, 2024

Accepting new patients

Make an appointment


Horaire: Lundi: 9 h - 19 h Mardi: Absente Mercredi: 9 h - 13 h Jeudi: 9 h - 19 h Vendredi: 9 h - 19h Durant les autres plages horaire, veuillez contacter mes collègues: Dr Cloquet: 0495/25.65.45 Dr De Montpellier: 0486/

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Spoken Languages

English (English)
French (Français)
Turkish (Türkçe)

Contracted status



Mobile payment (QR code)

Education and training

  • UCL


Médecin Généraliste

NIHII number


Frequently asked questions
Does Sinem Ozkul accept new patients?
Yes, Sinem Ozkul accepts new patients.
Where does Sinem Ozkul work?
Sinem Ozkul works at: Cabinet Médical les Eperviers (Avenue des Eperviers 5, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre).
Does Sinem Ozkul work in a practice?
Sinem Ozkul works at the following practice(s): Cabinet Médical les Eperviers
Is Sinem Ozkul contracted?
Sinem Ozkul is not contracted.