Profile picture of Leen Ballieu

Leen Ballieu

Clinical psychologist
Partially contracted
No online availabilities
Make an appointment

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Spoken Languages

Dutch (Nederlands)


Mobile payment (QR code)

Convention status

Partially contracted

Education and training

  • Licenciaat in de Klinische Psychologie, 2004
  • Oplossingsgericht therapeut i.o.

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Where does Leen Ballieu work?
Leen Ballieu works at: Sociaal Huis Poperinge (Veurnestraat 22, 8970 Poperinge).
Does Leen Ballieu work in a practice?
Leen Ballieu works at the following practice(s): Leen Ballieu ELP Kwadraat
Is Leen Ballieu contracted?
Leen Ballieu is partially contracted.