En tant que logopède diplômé d'un Master à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, et fort de mes formations et de mon expérience professionnelle, je prends en charge les Troubles du Langage, les Troubles des Apprentissages (Dy…slexie, Dyscalculie...) ainsi que les troubles liés au handicap mental, la déficience intellectuelle et les Troubles du Spectre Autistique
Location and contact
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.Costs
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
No fees defined
Spoken languages
English (English)
French (Français)
Italian (Italiano)
Education and training
- Master en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation, option logopédie à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles
NIHII number
Frequently asked questions
Where does Vincent Marconi work?
Vincent Marconi works at: Forest (Avenue Kersbeek 222, 1190 Forest).
Does Vincent Marconi work in a practice?
Vincent Marconi works at the following practice(s): Centre Perspectives