Profile picture of Mehdi Eddyani

Mehdi Eddyani

General practitioner
Fully contracted
Next availability on Tue, Dec 24, 2024

Accepting new patients

Make an appointment


Le Dr. Eddyani est un jeune médecin généraliste quadrilingue, passionné par son métier et profondément engagé envers la santé et le bien-être de ses patients. Tél: ‭0483 44 69 04‬

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Spoken languages

Arabic (العربية)
Dutch (Nederlands)
English (English)
French (Français)

Contracted status

Fully contracted


Mobile payment (QR code)

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Mehdi Eddyani accept new patients?
Yes, Mehdi Eddyani accepts new patients.
Where does Mehdi Eddyani work?
Mehdi Eddyani works at: Centre Santé Cartier (Rue de Cartier 61, 6030 Marchienne-au-Pont).
Does Mehdi Eddyani work in a practice?
Mehdi Eddyani works at the following practice(s): Centre Santé Cartier
Is Mehdi Eddyani contracted?
Yes, Mehdi Eddyani is fully contracted.