Profile picture of Line Sobczak

Line Sobczak

Fully contracted
Next availability on Mon, Sep 23, 2024

Accepting new patients

Make an appointment


• Kinésithérapie générale • Spécialisation sportive • Spécialisation cancer du sein

Location and contact


Fully contracted

Fees not defined

Cash, Mobile payment (QR code)

Spoken Languages

English (English)
French (Français)
Spanish (Español)

Education and training

  • Diplôme en kinésithérapie, UCLouvain
  • Formation en kinésithérapie du sportif, KINESPORT
  • Formation en kinésithérapie et cancer du sein, UCLouvain


Kiné cancer du sein
Kiné sportive

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Line Sobczak accept new patients?
Yes, Line Sobczak accepts new patients.
Where does Line Sobczak work?
Line Sobczak works at: Centre médical Curavia Mons (Rue des Dominicains 42, 7000 Mons); Centre médical Curavia Spiennes (Place de Spiennes 1, 7032 Spiennes).
Does Line Sobczak work in a practice?
Line Sobczak works at the following practice(s): Centre médical Curavia (Mons), Centre médical Curavia (Spiennes)
Is Line Sobczak contracted?
Yes, Line Sobczak is fully contracted.