Profile picture of Laure Hihoud

Laure Hihoud

Speech therapist
Fully contracted
No online availabilities
Make an appointment

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Fully contracted

No fees defined

Spoken languages

French (Français)

Education and training

  • Logopède- Haute école Léonard de Vinci ( Institut Libre Marie Haps)


DNP ( Dynamique Naturelle de la Parole)
Handicap Mental, Trisomie
Langage Écrit ( Lecture, écriture, orthographe)
Langage Oral ( Retard de langage et de parole, articulation, TDL/Dysphasie)

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Where does Laure Hihoud work?
Laure Hihoud works at: Mon cabinet (Romeinesteenweg 268/2, 1800 Vilvoorde).
Is Laure Hihoud contracted?
Yes, Laure Hihoud is fully contracted.