Profile picture of Kelly Villanueva

Kelly Villanueva

Fully contracted
Next availability on Fri, Sep 20, 2024

Accepting new patients

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Domaines de prédilection : kinésithérapie générale - orthopédique - sportive - neurologique. Toutefois, je traite tous types de pathologie. Type de pratique : Ma pratique se veut la plus active possible et basée sur des

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site


Fully contracted


Cash, Mobile payment (QR code)

These fees are provided as an indication by the practitioner and may vary. In case of exceeding the stated fees, the practitioner must inform the patient in advance.

Spoken Languages

Dutch (Nederlands)
English (English)
French (Français)

Education and training

  • Diplômée du Master en kinésithérapie (Parnasse)
  • Diplômée du Master en Santé Publique (UCL)
  • Diplômée du Bachelier en ergothérapie (Parnasse)

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Kelly Villanueva accept new patients?
Yes, Kelly Villanueva accepts new patients.
Where does Kelly Villanueva work?
Kelly Villanueva works at: Cabinet de kinésithérapie (Chaussée de Charleroi 39, 5030 Gembloux).
Is Kelly Villanueva contracted?
Yes, Kelly Villanueva is fully contracted.