Location and contact
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.Costs
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
Mobile payment (QR code)
No fees defined
Spoken languages
Dutch (Nederlands)
Education and training
- Webinar Tongriemproblematiek
- Tips & Tricks voor het behandelen van spraakklankstoornissen
- Beter automatiseren door de principes van motorisch leren
- Hodson&Paden fonologische therapie voor kinderen vanaf 2 jaar
- Taalpragmatiek bij kinderen: stimuleren van taalgebruik en communicatievaardigheid
- Cursus voorbereidende vaardigheden
- Rekensprokkels - Begeleiden en behandelen van rekenproblemen
- Frans in un deux trois - Kant-en-klaar oefenprogramma voor kinderen en jongeren met dyslexie
Specialisatie beelddenken
NIHII number
Frequently asked questions
Where does KAREN VAN MEULDER work?
KAREN VAN MEULDER works at: Mijn praktijk (Patattestraat 51, 1755 Kester).
Is KAREN VAN MEULDER contracted?
KAREN VAN MEULDER is not contracted.