Profile picture of Jill Smolders

Jill Smolders

Life coach
Next availability on Wed, Feb 26, 2025

Accepting new patients

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Als jongerencoach bied ik specifieke begeleiding en ondersteuning die afgestemd is op de behoeften van uw kind. Het is een krachtig hulpmiddel dat ingezet kan worden bij probleemen.

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

PCN Wijnegem

  • Today (08:00 - 18:00)
  • Spoken languages

    Dutch (Nederlands)


    Mobile payment (QR code)

    Education and training

    • Bachelor orthopedagogie
    • autisme coache


    Autisme coache
    Kinder/jongere coache
    Opvoeding coache


    Frequently asked questions
    Does Jill Smolders accept new patients?
    Yes, Jill Smolders accepts new patients.
    Where does Jill Smolders work?
    Jill Smolders works at: PCN Wijnegem (Bijlweg 11, 2110 Wijnegem).
    Does Jill Smolders work in a practice?
    Jill Smolders works at the following practice(s): Psychologisch Centrum Noord (PCN)