Als master logopedie behandel ik de algemene logopedische stoornissen. Bijkomend ben ik gespecialiseerd in stotteren én stemstoornissen. Naast logopediste bij Logopedie Ten Bos ben ik werkzaam als diensthoofd logopedie i…n het Az Sint Maria Halle. Daar behandel ik volwassenen met neurogene spraak-en taalstoornissen én dysfagie.
Location and contact
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.Costs
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
No fees defined
Spoken languages
Dutch (Nederlands)
English (English)
French (Français)
Education and training
- Universiteit Gent, master logopedie
- CIOOS, stotteropleiding
- Thomas More: stemstoornissen
- Utrecht: DDS, DMSS
eet- en drinkbegeleiding jonge kinderen
neurogene spraak- en taalstoornissen
NIHII number
Frequently asked questions
Where does Inge Beeckmans work?
Inge Beeckmans works at: Logopedie Ten Bos (Bosstraat 150a, 1742 Sint-Katherina-Lombeek).
Does Inge Beeckmans work in a practice?
Inge Beeckmans works at the following practice(s): Logopedie Ten Bos BV vertegenwoordigd door Inge Beeckmans
Is Inge Beeckmans contracted?
Inge Beeckmans is not contracted.