Profile picture of Gabriel Aparaschivei

Gabriel Aparaschivei

Next availability on Mon, Sep 30, 2024

Accepting new patients

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These fees are provided as an indication by the practitioner and may vary. In case of exceeding the stated fees, the practitioner must inform the patient in advance.

Spoken Languages

English (English)
German (Deutsch)
Romanian (Română)

Education and training

  • Kinésithérapie sur les appareils - 2019
  • Formation Ventouses Médicales - 2018
  • Fasciathérapie - 2018
  • Thérapie de l'articulation temporo mandibulaire (ATM) - 2016
  • Master : Spécialisation en Physiothérapie et Traumatologie sportive - 2011


ATM (Articulation Temporo Mandibulaire)
Kinésitherapie générale
Kinésithérapie respiratoire
Rééducation post traumatique et post opératoire
Rééducation sportive
Réhabilitation des troubles musculo-squelettiques
Thérapie manuelle

NIHII number


Frequently asked questions
Does Gabriel Aparaschivei accept new patients?
Yes, Gabriel Aparaschivei accepts new patients.
Where does Gabriel Aparaschivei work?
Gabriel Aparaschivei works at: Centrum Medisch Ruisbroek (Fabriekstraat 40, 1601 Ruisbroek).
Is Gabriel Aparaschivei contracted?
Gabriel Aparaschivei is not contracted.