Aanmelding nieuwe patiënten
Helaas zien we ons genoodzaakt om tijdelijk geen nieuwe patiënten aan te nemen via deze agenda. U kunt u wel aanmelden via mail (els.lingier@belgacom.net) met vermelding van naam, geboortedatum, school en problematiek. We nemen dan zo snel als mogelijk contact op met u.
Beste In deze agenda kunt u online afspraken maken voor de logopedische behandelingen die doorgaan in de praktijk in Veurne (Brugse Steenweg 89) of via telelogo. Afspraken kunnen tot 24 uur op voorhand kosteloos geann…uleerd worden via deze agenda. Nadien dient men te annuleren via 0474/443 442 en zal de sessie aangerekend worden.
Location and contact
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.Costs
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
Fully contracted
Mobile payment (QR code)
Assessment intake (30min)
The total cost of an assessment depends on its duration, which varies from 30 minutes to 2 hours and 30 minutes depending on the type of condition.
Follow-up session (30min)
Follow-up session (60min)
These fees are provided as an indication by the practitioner and may vary.
Spoken languages
NIHII number