Profile picture of Dana Geeraerts

Dana Geeraerts

Next availability on Fri, Jan 10, 2025

Accepting new patients

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Location and contact

NIHII number


Frequently asked questions
Does Dana Geeraerts accept new patients?
Yes, Dana Geeraerts accepts new patients.
Where does Dana Geeraerts work?
Dana Geeraerts works at: Ons 'hoofdkwartier' bij CEL : Kessel-Lo (Gemeentestraat 227, 3010 Kessel-Lo); Dana in Tremelo (Baalsebaan 41, 3120 Tremelo); Dana in Werchter huisartsenpraktijk (Sint Jansstraat 91, 3118 Werchter).
Does Dana Geeraerts work in a practice?
Dana Geeraerts works at the following practice(s): Bolle Buik vroedvrouwenpraktijk