Profile picture of Coralie Ducoeur

Coralie Ducoeur

Fully contracted
Next availability on Mon, Jul 1, 2024

Accepting new patients

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Location and contact

map showing the location of the site

Espace Santé La Marinière

  • Today (09:00 - 18:00)
  • Contracted status

    Fully contracted


    Mobile payment (QR code)


    Plagiocéphalie et torticolis du nourrisson
    Troubles du développement du bébé et de l'enfant (Bobath)
    Psychomotricité fonctionnelle (TDC, dyspraxie, motricité fine,...)
    Handicap moteur (Bobath ou Le Métayer)

    NIHII number


    Frequently asked questions
    Does Coralie Ducoeur accept new patients?
    Yes, Coralie Ducoeur accepts new patients.
    Where does Coralie Ducoeur work?
    Coralie Ducoeur works at: Espace Santé La Marinière (Rue de Couillet 6, 6200 Chatelet).
    Does Coralie Ducoeur work in a practice?
    Coralie Ducoeur works at the following practice(s): Espace Santé La Marinière
    Is Coralie Ducoeur contracted?
    Yes, Coralie Ducoeur is fully contracted.