Logopède conventionnée Je réalise les bilans logopédiques et je prends en charge les troubles suivants : troubles du langage écrit et du langage oral (enfants) et aphasies (adultes). Je consulte au centre Mimosa Louis…e tous les lundis, mardis, mercredis et jeudis après-midis. Tél : 0485 22 24 25 Mail : clara.logopede@gmail.com
Location and contact
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.Costs
A contracted health professional applies standard fee rates, with no additional fees or supplementary charges.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
On the contrary, a non-contracted health professional sets their rates freely, which can result in additional costs to you.
To obtain precise information, we recommend contacting your health insurance provider.
Fully contracted
Cash, Mobile payment (QR code)
No fees defined
Spoken languages
French (Français)
Education and training
- Diplôme master en logopédie - Université Libre de Bruxelles
NIHII number
Frequently asked questions
Where does Clara Soupaya Valliama work?
Clara Soupaya Valliama works at: Mimosa Bruxelles Louise (Avenue Louise 405, 1000 Brussels).
Does Clara Soupaya Valliama work in a practice?
Clara Soupaya Valliama works at the following practice(s): Centre Mimosa Bruxelles Louise
Is Clara Soupaya Valliama contracted?
Yes, Clara Soupaya Valliama is fully contracted.