Location and contact
Spoken languages
Dutch (Nederlands)
English (English)
Contracted status
Mobile payment (QR code)
Education and training
- bachelor orthopedagogie 2006 afgestudeerd.
- 4- jarige therapie opleiding 'interactionele vorming' - 2021- heden
- jobcoach - groep intro 2020-2023
- Opleidingen door de jaren heen: Signs of Safety, systeemtheoretische opleiding, contextuele opleiding, vorming rond ‘individuele begeleiding’, Rots en Water, positieve heroriëntering, …
Frequently asked questions
Where does An-Sofie Heereman work?
An-Sofie Heereman works at: De Praktijk Kester (Bruneaustraat 51, 1755 Kester).
Does An-Sofie Heereman work in a practice?
An-Sofie Heereman works at the following practice(s): De Praktijk Kester
Is An-Sofie Heereman contracted?
An-Sofie Heereman is not contracted.