Profile picture of Adam Usseault

Adam Usseault

Fully contracted
Next availability on Tue, Sep 17, 2024

Accepting new patients

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Diplômé de la Haute École Vinci, j’ai acquis une solide expérience en kinésithérapie au cours de mon parcours académique. Ma pratique, centrée sur le patient et basée sur les dernières recommandations scientifiques, me p

Location and contact


Fully contracted


Bancontact, Mobile payment (QR code)

These fees are provided as an indication by the practitioner and may vary. In case of exceeding the stated fees, the practitioner must inform the patient in advance.

Spoken Languages

English (English)
French (Français)
Spanish (Español)

Education and training

  • Master en kinésithérapie HEVinci



NIHII number


Frequently asked questions
Does Adam Usseault accept new patients?
Yes, Adam Usseault accepts new patients.
Where does Adam Usseault work?
Adam Usseault works at: Curatia (Avenue Moliere 120, 1190 Forest); Regengo (Av. du cimetière de Bruxelles 57B, 1140 Evere).
Is Adam Usseault contracted?
Yes, Adam Usseault is fully contracted.