Arie Van Dyck

General practitioner
Fully contracted
Next availability on Mon, Apr 22, 2024

Accepting new patients

Make an appointment


Ik ben in verlof van 5 t.e.m. 12 april. Patiënten kunnen (bij dringende gevallen) een afspraak maken bij Dr. Ine Schoonheere en Dr. Andrea Fivez in de praktijk. Maandag 15 april start ik terug.

Location and contact

map showing the location of the site


Mobile payment (QR code)

Convention status

Fully contracted

NIHII number



Frequently asked questions
Does Arie Van Dyck accept new patients?
Yes, Arie Van Dyck accepts new patients.
Where does Arie Van Dyck work?
Arie Van Dyck works at: Huisartsen Stationswijk (Stationswijk 2, 3272 Testelt).
Does Arie Van Dyck work in a practice?
Is Arie Van Dyck contracted?
Yes, Arie Van Dyck is fully contracted.